Writer's Journal
#1 The act of writing
For me, the act of writing is a type of communication. There are many different types of communicating with writing. You could use it to tell a fantasy story; pass little notes in class to your school sweetheart; spend time putting words to paper trying to explain to your teacher that you really did read the book that was assigned, that you just didn’t understand.
I learned to best use writing as a type of communicating in the Navy when it was the only way I could communicate with my finance and later my wife, while I was deployed on a submarine. I quickly learned how poorly worded emails to my wife could mean one thing to myself as I wrote it half-awake, without reading it back to myself before sending those words halfway around the world. When she would receive this word vomit in the digital format, it would cause more questions and confusion in her return emails. I learned that clearly communicating with her in sentences that made sense and clearly describing what I was trying to convey or explain made for better communication and a happier wife. By learning to take my time, read what I had written and reflect on the words I used also made for more efficient emails. Because emailing on a submarine while underwater is so slow, we were able to get to a point of having two or sometimes three clearly different conversations going on at a time. This was only possible by using clear communication in our writing to each other.
This course has reenforced within me so far that the rhetorical situation is not just about a person writing, but a person must be writing to someone, or even multiple someones. For instance, someone could be writing to their boss at work, or someone could be writing a column in a newspaper, and someone could even be writing a novel or short story. The writer is trying to convey or persuade them of something; therefore, the writer must have a purpose. The purpose must be on topic, while also speaking to the audience at hand or the desired audience. And finally, that the context of what and how they are trying to say or write is the most important part. This is the most important part, because it can make or break the whole conversation, it needs to engaging and insightful, it must want the listener to want to hear more, want to know how the writing ends.
31 MAY 2022
#2 First impressions
When I read the syllabus and purpose behind the first writing assignment, it didn’t take me more than a few seconds to think of what I wanted to write about, but that’s always been the case. I’ve always had a good idea of what I want to write about, the problem is getting words on paper. I thought, I have a unique opportunity to explain something about the military that many people don’t know. I love explaining misunderstandings or gross concept errors about what I do in the military. I thought, “This project will be a piece of cake,” then I got to thinking about all the other assignments before my first draft is due. I started thinking about time management and it got me a little worried of how and when I would fit this project in my busy schedule.
The way I communicate best is in person. Because I truly believe when talking to someone, only half of communicating is the words coming out of your mouth and the rest is body language. The facial expression someone makes when you say something, or where they look when asked a question. Therefore, I will always avoid calling someone when given the opportunity to walk and talk face to face. Where I can see a person’s body language, and observe the person understand what I am saying. Next would be communicating via email, because it is how I communicate over 50% of the time in the Navy. I must communicate with multiple people in different commands, in different states or regions of the world. All in different time zones. Sometimes a single email can meet all these wickets. Because of all the roadblocks above, emailing people where I can communicate with all individuals at one time, and have the history of the conversation between all is extremely useful and time saving. Because of the lack of immediate feedback from people, you must be very detailed and make sure you answer all questions and points of the email before sending your response.
The first communication literacy I mastered was learned from observing my father talk to people. As well as being drilled at a very young age how to talk to someone. Back then it was all face to face or on the phone. Every time I would talk to someone in front of my father, he would correct every detail that I did wrong. “Do this, don’t do that, do this better.” While my communication literacy by email is all self-taught by observation or efficiency. By reading how other more experienced coworkers would respond to emails, I picked up a thing or two. As well as trying to reduce multiple responses, for not answering the question asked or having to answer follow-on emails of what the source document is. I learned to include these simple things in my original email or response. It’s amazing how much time is saved by striving for first time quality in everything you do.
02 Jun 2022
#3 Approaching the Writer's Journal
The first Writer’s Journal I thought would be an easy assignment, and just started writing or typing as it would be. But as I worked my way through it, the type of writing I’ve been doing for the past decade got in the way. I’ve been directed to write straight to the point, without over explanation. I’ve had to learn to state the facts without adding “fluff”, to get to the point in as few words as possible. So, the first journal I had to go back and try to pump up the word count by going more in detail, to dive deep. The second Writer’s Journal wasn’t as easy of an assignment, but I was able to more easily allow the words to flow out of me, without having to go back as much and “fluff” it up.
I was always a D or C minus student in English classes in high school, because of a lack of understanding and no real support in the subject at home. Growing up writing was all about book reports, following very specific rules on how to write and how to group things together. I was not a strong reader growing up and that lead to not knowing what to write, therefore I wouldn’t write. Eventually as an adult, I learned by practice of small daily correspondence, but mostly emailing my wife while I was stationed onboard a submarine. I’ve always avoided writing longer more detailed projects that could possibly show my weakness in that area of my life. But at the same time, I’ve been working in a field that does not require a lot of writing, just strategic thinking, and attention to detail. My weakness in writing has lessened over time with more practice, but it is still my biggest weakness. It’s because of that weakness in part, that has held me back from pursuing opportunities of growth, such as becoming an Officer in the Navy.
People write the way they think, and when you put your thought to paper you are “freezing” your thinking per say. And when you read over your thoughts, you can edit how you write it, you can reword things, explain things differently or better. By doing this over time, you will change your thinking to be more in line with your edits; you will have restructured how you think. This shouldn’t concern you. This idea of changing how you think, is still your thoughts but just a better, more complete thought. You are making yourself a better thinker, and since people write and talk the way they think. you’ll also improve how you talk to people or explain yourself and ideas. At the end of the day, you should always be attempting to improve yourself.
04 Jun 2022
#4 Previously misunderstood
I was getting ready to take my daughters out for some appointments, when I told my wife “I cant find socks”, my wife not being at the house at this time, thought of the worst possible thing. That our daughters brand new kitten Socks had gone missing. She must have thought, why would I be texting her about something as petty, as I cant find the kids socks. I mean of course the kids have socks and they should know where they are. But her response was not what I was expecting, and at first caused confusion on my part. She responded with “Oh, no where did she go”. I didn’t know who she was talking about, “where did who go” I thought. I responded in kind, “what are you talking about”, “I need to know where the kids socks are”
I had to explain to her that I was looking for the kids socks that go on their feet, not Socks the kitten. I was trying to send a quick text and get a quick response, so that we wouldn’t be late. I was trying to be straight to the point. But my wife not know what I was doing at the time. As well as her attention being drawn elsewhere, she must not have been thinking about what I was doing at the time. So her mind probably went to the worst case scenario, or perhaps it was to something she was worried about in the back of her mind.
Thinking back on the interaction, I could have easily just added another word. Such as “I cant find kids socks”, or “I cant find their socksa’ in the original text to my wife that would have completely avoided the whole misunderstanding. I could have just as easily asked a question instead of making a statement, “where are the socks” or “where are the kids socks”.
We have since renamed the kitten Sox.
05 Jun 2022
#5 Approaching writing in the past
I have always tended to combine the first three steps of The Writing Process. I start writing the first idea that comes in my mind, which is usually no more than just the general idea of what I want to write about. But nonetheless I start writing. As I write, I’m thinking about how I will construct this writing project. This causes a lot of cutting and pasting pieces together where they fit best, as the paper comes together. Until I have a lot of thoughts and writings organized in groups of what I’m trying to say or talk about. And that’s basically my first draft. I then read it to myself, out loud if I can. As I’m reading, I make edits and fix grammar mistakes. This is typically the longest process because I basically have a bunch of words on paper. I will do this over and over until I have a finished project. When I’m happy with the project, I look for words that I have overused, or descriptive words or phrases that might fit the piece better. Voilà, that’s my writing process in a nutshell.
I would like to think that I do all The Writing Processes, but the way I combine the Invention and Planning portions while writing, causes for a less thought-out and organized Invention. Planning on the fly is not planning at all. So, I’m basically just left with Drafting. This process is slow and painstaking. Not at all the way the first three steps were described. My Revision and Edit practices are very similar to how The Writing Process was described. I’ve always tended to do a real good job of Revising and Editing because I don’t want my weakness for writing to be as obvious.
If I took the time to properly think about what I wanted to write, to have a clear picture, I would have an easier time planning. If I took that extra minute, planning how I would piece the project together, how I would start and end would result in an easier time writing the paper. All this deliberate time spent in the beginning would make the writing of my first draft much easier and more time effective. Which would more than likely result in a better first draft. Leading to less edits, and would result in a better overall product than I have produced in the past.
06 Jun 2022
#6 Anxieties of first Writing Project
The Writing Process seems to take more dedicated time in the beginning, thinking about what you are going to write. After you have clearly organized your thoughts about what to write, you spend more time planning how to write your first draft. I’m already scraped for time trying to fit college into my busy schedule as it is. How am I going to find even more time doing the Invention and Planning processes of The Writing Process? I already spend extra time trying to get my word count to the writing goal. Like most things in life, it all comes down to time.
I want to try the process, because at the end of the day, it’s going to make me a better writer. I understand how the process works and the reasoning behind it all, but it all comes down to time. I believe the Invention and Planning steps don’t necessarily need to be done in all writing projects. Texts and short Emails could probably have these steps skipped. Longer detailed writings, such as school papers, official correspondences, etc. would all benefit from using the full Writing Process. I believe the Revision and Editing steps are crucial to every writing you do. You need to make sure that what you meant to say is what is written. Your Revision and Editing could be as simple as reading what you wrote and making sure that’s what you wanted to say.
Like everything you do in life, the more you practice the more you gain experience in that subject. As you begin to master the process, you will naturally become faster at it and feel better about doing it. The Writing Process is no different. My worries about the time it will take me to do the Invention and Planning steps, should be eliminated as I use the process more and more. I could also try to involve them in shorter projects to gain proficiency in the process.
09 Jun 2022
#7 First experience with looping
I was skeptical of the looping activity at first, I thought I had a good idea of what I wanted to write about in the Literacy Narrative. It started slow, but the looping activity showed me that I didn’t have it all pieced together yet. It helped bring ideas that were already in my head to paper. It allowed me to easily see one idea or topic flow to another. As I neared the end of the activity the words were just following; ideas, talking points, things I wanted to have in the paper.
Before I started, I had a few ideas of what I was going to write about in the Literacy Narrative, but I didn’t have it cleared defined yet. After the looping activity I was able to find my primary insight. I would write about writing an evaluation for others, or your subordinates. The impact of your writing, as well as how to keep track of it all over the year to best and more accurately portray the individual. The looping activity allowed me to get thoughts on paper and see where the passion or focus of my paper wanted to be on.
There is a lot of good that can come out of the looping activity, I can see how it can help with writers block or needing help expanding on ideas. It allows you to just write, to allow your thoughts and idea to freely flow. Then you can go back and see what you’re thinking and expound upon it, rinse and repeat. The way it was used I could see myself using it again for smaller single focused areas where I didn’t know what to write about.
The way the looping activity was set up in my option was somewhat limiting though. You would write and then only pull a single idea out, then expound upon that single idea. I believe the looping activity would be better seen as more of block diagram. Where you have your main idea, then you free-write about it. After your free-writing time, you look back and you pull idea(s) out of it. You may have come up with more than one idea, you then put those idea in boxes, and dive deeper about each point. Expounding about one idea you had originally might bring another idea, where you take that out and put it under your main idea and continue the process. Continuing to free-write, pull the point out, and expound upon it.
09 Jun 2022
#8 First Writing Project outline
Primary Insight: Writing Navy Evaluations for a subordinate Sailors.
1. A brief history of you constructive writing.
2. A brief background of my history with the Navy Evaluation process, and why I must write the individual an Evaluation.
3. How writing an Evaluation is like writing an extremely short essay.
1. Describing writing the Opening.
a. I had to break down Sailor in two sentences, describing him as a hard worker. Having to think who he is
b. Learning that there are really three different types of openings
2. Writing the core of the Evaluation.
a. Break down the bullet points.
i. Two to three words the articulates what the Sailor did.
1. Websites
ii. Choosing the right words
1. Learning what’s right
b. Having to describe what the Sailor did over a course of a year in just a few sentences
i. Sticking to facts and having hard numbers to argue the point.
1. Books
ii. Learning to take mental notes or keep a log of what the Sailors did.
1. Bullet points
3. Having to close
a. Talking about growth and future.
b. Notes to myself about where I need to get the Sailor
1. The way I look at my subordinates now, the way im always taking notes.
2. The way it has changed me as a person.
09 Jun 2022
#9 Peer review and reflection
When I got my peer reviews back I was a little surprised when one reviewer didn’t understand that I wasn’t just writing about my writing style in the Navy, but a very focused particular writing that we do, I don’t know if they were just being vague in their review, or if they didn’t understand what I was writing about, either way I’m going to have to go back and revisit his part and make sure I clearly separate the two and better facilitate that the writing of Evaluations is a particular type of writing that we do, and not all writing is that one. Also, since I starting on the Main story, most of my time was focused on this. I need to put some more time and effort into the introduction and conclusion.
With only two days left until I need to submit the final draft of my first major paper in the class, I need to work on my first revision draft today. Have another review, and hopefully my final revision draft after that. This I can work on editing tomorrow night or Monday after work, and then submit the final draft. Since the first draft got pretty good reviews, not a lot of revisions are required. Putting my best foot forward in the beginning continues to pay off. The fact that the only thing I must still do in this module, is finish the final draft and take a quiz, leaving me plenty of time to get it all done.
Priority One: Rework the introduction, better explaining the fact that I’m specifically talking about writing evaluations in the Navy, not just writing in the Navy in general. I don’t think this will take me long, but it is a major deal if I messed this point up. This needs to be corrected for the whole paper to make sense.
Priority Two: Look at adding to the introduction and conclusion, to make sure they are sharp and set the stage and reintegrate the point of the story respectively. I didn’t spend a lot of time on this part in my first draft, and obliviously, the second draft should have some more focus here.
Priority Three: Move onto editing and making sure the sentence structure is good and word choice is best. I’m not to worried about this part, I’ve always been pretty good an revising and editing my work to come up with the best product I can produce.
The fact that one of my peer reviewers couldn’t tell that there is different type of writing styles and requirements in the Navy, and that I didn’t clearly define one, kind of bothers me. I need to get this right, I’m not making a broad statement that all writing is the same, I’m telling a story about a very distinct writing style for a very single type of report.
11 Jun 2022
#10 Place vs. Space
We bought a house on the outside of town, about a 25-minute drive from town. This allows for a nice relaxing drive in the county side before heading to work or going home after a stressful day at work. Off the main road in a nice little country neighborhood of about 80 houses. As you drive into our gravel driveway, you notice how the house is surrounded by tall Douglas Fir trees, with a large grassed front yard. While you’re outside you can hear the rushing water flowing over the nearby damn that allows for the lake that’s also nearby. Since the trees are on the East side of the house, they provide a nice sun block, keeping the temperature of the house and the surrounding area to a comfortable temp. The whole area, with the natural water source as well as all the trees, provide for a lot of birds always flying around. The house is not very large, just large enough for my wife and I, and our three daughters. The neutral colors of the house allow the house to fade into the surroundings.
The home provides my family with a nice quiet place for us all to relax and enjoy the peace of nature. The girls can play in the creek in the backyard and swim in the lake during the warmer months. They can play in the front yard or ride their bikes in the road without me having to worry about a lot of cars driving by. The home is large enough for the 5 of us and our animals. We have a kitchen just large enough for the wife and I to be able to cook, with a nice little area to eat together. The living room is just big enough for the 2 couches that can fit us all for movie night or playing games. The master room is large, but the girls’ rooms are just large enough for their beds, dressers, and toys.
The house being so far outside of town, keeps from people just swinging by unannounced, which was by design of buying a house so far outside of town. As you get out of your car in the driveway, you must step up from the driveway onto the yard, due to the front yard being bordered by railroad ties, creating a clear separation from the yard and driveway. The front yard currently has no walkway from the driveway to the porch. The garage also has a couple of steps to get into the house. The following restrictions prevent for easy access for people in wheelchairs. The house is a two story and the handrail in the staircase is currently removed for repairs. Preventing my older In-Laws from easily being able to go upstairs to the girls’ rooms. Since the house does not have a lot of space inside, outside of what is already utilized. This prevents us from having a lot of people over for entertaining, or the girls from being able to play around inside.
16 Jun 2022
#11 An element of an interface
Windows Notepad is one of the simplest, most basic writing interfaces on computers. There are no spelling or grammar checks, no thesaurus. The best way to just write, to put words down. Among the very few things that the program can do is “line count”. Which is a very useful tool for either writing/reading code or constructing rhetorical works that are limited in characters or lines. The process is very simple, it simple counts what line you are from the top and how many characters have been places since the last time the enter or return key has been pressed.
18 Jun 2022
#12 Talk-to revisions
Conducting the “Talk-to” method of review of my first draft was weird, I’ve never done anything like that. I’ve always had someone that could review my writing for the past 2 decades. At work, being middle management, I have people review things above me before it goes all the way up. I also have others that can review little things if I need help, like “does this sound good or should I go this way”. At home I have my wife, who loves English and has helped me in a lot of ways, but always tells me that I’m not as bad as I think I am.
The things that stood out to me during the review, was how my introduction set a good stage, but didn’t transition to the main potation of the paper. Because of the poor transition, the first paragraph also feels weak, it’s a very slow start without a lot of concrete reasoning. The conclusion was short and needs a little more to really close out the paper. I found that reading the paper each time over again before having a different mindset in the review process helped with creating the critical distance needed for a proper review. Also, the fact that a day had gone by between the writing and review process. So, the writing process was no longer fresh in my mind.
Revision Plan:
· First, I need to address the first main paragraph – I need to better set the primary insight, as well as provide more concrete evidence supporting my opening statements. Also, a wrap up needs to be added, proving the point.
· Second, I need to work on the introduction – After the main in strong, I can work on setting up a smooth transition from the opening story to selling the 5 ways the technology shapes communication.
· Finally, the conclusion needs work – With the better introduction I should be able to rework the conclusion. A weak introduction typically results in a weak conclusion. My first attempt at the conclusion was extremely short.
20 Jun 2022
#13 Past writing to an invoked audience
I had to write a ‘Letter to the Board’, which is basically a letter to a group of people that don’t know me and that I don’t know. They go through your Naval career (your package), including reading your evaluations for the past five years, along with your awards and qualifications. After they have reviewed your package, they assign you a score basically and rack and stack you compared to other people of your job and rank. They then make the decision if you should be advanced or not. Even though the letter is pretty copy and paste from the example, I imagined that the person reading the letter would be the Board Lead, or at least his assistant. Either way a high-ranking Naval Officer. The letter was actually read from a Senior or Master Chief, an enlisted Sailor like myself, still high ranking and more experienced than myself, just not at the same level as the Naval Officer I was envisioning. The problem was when I first wrote the ‘Letter to the Board’, I didn’t know what I know now, years later I have learned about the process more. The lack of knowledge of exactly how the process worked, who would actually read the letter, lead to the misinterpretation of the audience invoked from the audience addressed.
If I would have had the same knowledge about the process as I do now. I would have been able to understand that I was writing to the person reviewing my package, and wrote Master/Senior Chief, vice Board Member. Making the letter a little more personal. Knowing more about who your audience is supposed to be helps tremendously when imagining your audience invoked. Its easy to imagine yourself in there shoes, thinking about what they might be thinking, feeling, wanting, expecting. By tailoring the letter with the understanding that I am writing to the Chief reading and ranking me, I could have written to them more like a person that I interact with on a daily basis, vice a person that I hardly, if at all interact with. Knowing that they had also had to do everything that im going through, having to write a ‘Letter to the Board, that they were once in my shoes per say. Knowing that they are in the position/rank that I want to be. Would have allowed me to write a letter more in the style of writing my immediate superior, vice writing a letter to the owner of the company.
21 Jun 2022
#14 Context invoked
Due to what I do in the military, I am required to hold a security clearance. This security clearance allows me access to a secret network, that I do 99% of all my email communication on. Because it is a secret network, I am able to assume everyone on the network also holds at least a secret or above security clearance. I can talk about certain things that I’m not able to talk about over the phone or my personal email. Because 99% of my email communications are done on this network, I use it also for emails that may not require the level of clearance of the network, but the convenience of being to able to talk to the same people over it. The secret network limits who I’m able to email sometimes, because even though that person has a secret clearance, they might not need that class of information often enough to warrant account on the network, therefore not having a secret email account. Other constraints on the network, are that everyone on the network has a secret clearance or above but may not have the need to know about the information I’m discussing in the email. Therefore, you must be very cautious of who you are actually sending the email to.
It seems weird, but if you wanted to expand the invoked audience, you could give everyone in the military access to the network, or weirder yet would be to just give access to anyone who wanted access to it. Since the latter is absurd, lets discuss the first option. By giving everyone in the military access to the network, would drastically expand the invoked audience, it would make it slightly harder to email certain people because you would have to pay even closer attention to who you were emailing. You would have to give people some other type of identification, such as a number besides just their name to make absolutely sure that they were the ones you were trying to email. Another way to expand the invoked audience would to be able to have the people with access, access all the time. Because the network is limited, it assumes the person is at work when you are emailing them. By expanding the available access points of the network, you would be able to talk to them all the time, not just at work.
24 Jun 2022
#15 Writers ethical obligations
Ethical Obligations to readers:
1 – they should write how they really feel, not what they think people want to hear.
2 – write by avoiding plagiarism
3 – avoid excluding groups of people
Writers that use websites, should make their writing easy to read and understand. They should write to the level of the audience. They also need to make sure that the area the text is located voids having to scroll the page left and right, as well as that each line of text is not unnecessarily short.
Writers that use books, should make sure that book can withstand someone reading the book without it falling apart.
Ethical Obligations to stakeholders:
1 – use quotes appropriately and completely, avoid using small pieces of a quote to prove your point.
2 – understand the stakeholders are people as well and having feelings. Understand that many of the stakeholders could also be reading what you are writing.
27 Jun 2022
#16 Intro to Purpose
- It was one of the required courses for my degree
- It was available when I wanted to take it
- I hoped to get a look at how hard college classes would be
- I hoped I would easily pass an intro to English
Academically: It was required, and it was available when I started.
Personally: I was looking to learn how hard college classes would be, and I hoped that I would excess at the task.
The primary purpose behind taking this class was that the class was required for my electrical engineering degree. By conducting the list making and grouping exercise, I was able to come up with four reason, and two groups. I reason of taking the course being for my degree is straight to the point, but it being available at the time is just happenstance, I would have had to take the course at some point, so its not the primary purpose. The other reasons for taking the course are just minor things that could come of taking the course, not the main purpose.
01 Jul 2022
#17 My perceived changes in reading and writing
My reading literacy hasn’t really changed much throughout the course. I started as an average reader; the length of the course really hasn’t had a huge impact on my reading ability. My writing literacy on the other hand has changed drastically I believe. In the past I hated writing for school projects, but that was when I was a teenager, I have since grown up. Now as an adult, I hatred for writing isn’t there but the inability to do it well hadn’t changed. I would start each writing project the same, by just throwing words down, every conscience thought. Then I would have to go back and piece it together into what resembled a paper worth having someone else look at. During the duration of the course my planning and forethought about the writing projects has changed the most. The last few projects, I took the time to draw up a rough outline and took the time to think about how I wanted the paper to be organized before I started actually writing. Before I always thought this was a waste of time. But as the last few projects, I believe they have come out better and the finished product was cleaner and completed sooner than in the past. I never saw revising and editing as two separate acts, but after learning the benefits of separating the two steps and allowing myself to focus on the revising of my drafts to a completed work, before going in and trying to change key words and spice up the paper for a finished product.
The significant change that has affected me outside of this class is the separation of revising and editing. When I am reading a person’s submitted work and making changed before sending it up for approval, I first look as how the paper can be best organized and making sure the paper sounds good out loud. After I am done with that and am satisfied, I try to see if different words would make the paper ‘pop’ more, if we can make it just that much better. The last assignment of “Reading Like a Writer” really got me thinking. I already do a few things like reread sentences if they don’t make complete sense, but I believe that I could become a better writing if I spent more time looking at the writing itself, instead of just the words and what they meant. While reading the essay, a lot of previously things I have read popped into my head about, “why did they write it like that?” or “why would they choose that kind of word?”. It got me thinking that I really want to start reading in the “Reading Like a Writer” way, and see how I can improve my writing even more.
07 Jul 2022
#18 Reflecting on the rhetorical situation of Email
I use email for most of my communications at work. I can talk to multiple people at once, send files or other data easily. The nice thing about an email is that I can come to work have information about work already in my inbox from the East Coast, who’ve already been at work for three hours. Similarly, I can communicate with people in Hawaii before they get into the office, so they have a message waiting for them.
One could assume that the stated purpose of the email would be the emails subject, but sometimes the subject may just be a summary of what the email entails. Another way the subject can tell you what the purpose of the email is, is by looking to see if the email is a forward of someone else’s email or a reply to a previous email. A forwarded email is a way for a person to tell you all about an email without having to reiterate it all, they simply forward you the email or email chain, it’s a way to get the new addressee up to speed on whats going on. A reply is just that, the purpose of the email is to reply to the email you sent them, but a reply can also be used as forward. By replying to all and then adding someone, you are now adding that person to the conversation, allowing that person all the information of the email chain. These are a just a few ways that subject title of an email can tell you a generic purpose of an email.
Briefly discussed earlier, you can find the purpose of an email from someone that isn’t local, is to get information that they thought about but knew that you were not available at that particular time and simple wrote the question down in an email vice waiting to call you. They are using email vice waiting until you may be available at work to ask a question.
09 Jul 2022
#19 Three choices for the Rhetorical Analysis
Website 1 – Navy (navy.org)
· Strat 1 (Ethos) – there is a whole section about the leadership of the Navy
· Strat 2 (Pathos) – the about page is all about core values and shared mission
· Strat 3 (Pathos) – every page or article has pictures of naval vessels or personnel conducting operations.
· Purpose – reenforce the good and camaraderie of the Navy (make people want to stay in longer)
Website 2 – Dolphin Scholarship Foundation (dolphinscholarship.org)
· Strat 1 (Pathos) – saying everyone that gets the dolphin scholarship are more highly qualified students
· Strat 2 (Ethos) – a high ranking Naval Officer talks about why to donate
· Strat 3 (
· Purpose - To have you donate to the Dolphin Scholarship
Website 3 –
· Strat 1 (Pathos) – a multimodule display of woman and children sailing
· Strat 2 (Pathos) – As you’re reading left to right the groupings start out beginner to expert
· Strat 3 (Ethos) – They are the US Sailing Org
· Purpose – To spread the awareness of Sailing to grow the sport/business.
11 Jul 2022
#20 Final thoughts about the growth from class
I don’t think that my thought process about writing has changed much. The process still doesn’t feel natural, but I feel like I did grow more comfortable in doing writing projects. In the beginning I never took the time to plan how I wanted to write or what I wanted to write. I would just start writing and then modify that one time and that was it. This course taught me the importance of the initial invention and planning phases, as well as the importance of separating the revision and editing phases. The biggest change I have noticed in my writing, is the time I spend coming up with a plan on how to tackle the project and the initial outline I draft up before I actually start writing. Another useful tool I never thought about doing was free-writing. I never thought to just mindlessly write and let me words and ideas come out. A lot of problems I had in the past was trying to think about what to write or how to write it, and the tools I have learned have changed all that.
I use to dread writing large projects, because I didn’t know how to tackle them, how to begin a project and how to finish it. I can only imagine how hard it must have been back then to try to read my writing, not from a penmanship standpoint, but just the sheer grouping of sentences and the word vomit to paper. I use to just write down what came out of my head, then read it back, make a few changes, and done. I feel that I can now start and complete large writing assignments with ease and less anxiety.